Turkey - Wikipedia
Turkey is a unitary state. Its administrative system includes central and local administration. Central administration consists of the central government in Ankara, and local departments such as 81 provinces and their subdivisions. Local administration authorities consist of metropolitan municipalities, municipalities, neighborhoods or villages ...
Turkey (Türkiye) - United States Department of State
Turkey is a key NATO Ally and critical regional partner, and the United States is committed to improving the relationship between our two countries. It is in our interest to keep Turkey anchored to the Euro-Atlantic community.
Provinces of Turkey - Wikipedia
Turkey is divided into 81 provinces (Turkish: il). Each province is divided into a number of districts (ilçe). Each provincial government is seated in the central district (merkez ilçe).
How Many States Are In Turkey? | List Of States Of Turkey
May 6, 2023 · Turkey has a total of 81 states or provinces. Among these 81 states, Düzce is the newest state. After the August 17, 1999 earthquake, the states of Türkiye were divided again. 1. Adana. 2. Edirne. 3. Malatya. 4. Adıyaman. 5. Elazığ. 6. Manisa. 7. Afyon. 8. Erzincan. 9. Mardin. 10. Ağrı. 11. Erzurum. 12. Mersin. 13. Aksaray. 14. Eskişehir. 15. Mugla
Turkey (Türkiye) | Location, Geography, People, Economy, Culture ...
1 day ago · Turkey is situated at the crossroads of the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, and eastern Mediterranean. It is among the larger countries of the region in terms of territory and population, and its land area is greater than that of any European state.
Government of Turkey - Wikipedia
The Government of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükûmeti) is the national government of Turkey. It is governed as a unitary state under a presidential representative democracy and a constitutional republic within a pluriform multi-party system.
Turkey - Wikiwand
Officially a secular state, Turkey has a Muslim-majority population. Ankara is Turkey's capital and second-largest city. Istanbul is its largest city and economic center. Other major cities include İzmir, Bursa, and Antalya.
List of States in Turkey with Latitude and Longitude
Find List of States in Turkey with Latitude and Longitude and popular places in Turkey. Complete information about Turkey like capital, currency,lat long, flag etc.
Top states of Turkey which has 80 states, 1916 cities and Ankara …
Our best database gives the answers of these questions, answer of first asked question is very simple Ankara is the capital city of Turkey. Second answer, there are 80 states in Turkey. Answer of 3rd questions is that there is only 1916 cities in Turkey.
Turkey States & Cities - Opulent Routes
Turkey is situated at the crossroads of the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, and eastern Mediterranean. It is among the larger countries of the region in terms of territory and population, and its land area is greater than that of any European state.