Maps - Lake Ontario United - Lake Ontario Largest Fishing
The live cam seen here are from LOU Members who live or own property directly on Lake Ontario with available Internet connection. A special thank you those LOU Members who generously let us place a camera on their property and use their internet connection to transmit these images to the rest of the Lake Ontario United community!
Map chips, which ones are worth it - Lake Ontario United
Jan 1, 2018 · I use a Humminbird Lake Master Plus version 1 card in one of my fish Finders and a Navionics Plus Regions East card in my other fish finder. I did a side by side comparison in 2017 on Lake O and several smaller lakes in Northern NY, and I can honestly say that they are very similar in showing bottom depth contour lines.
Now Available for Free on LOU - Lake Ontario United
Oct 10, 2018 · I have a garmin 73 DV came preloaded with lake maps. It has nowhere near the accuracy of the above map. Would a Garmin Bluechart G2 vision HD VUSO42R/Great lakes -010-C1122-00 Be the chip I need to get the accuracy of the above map? Or is it the same chip that comes preloaded in the 73DV. There are several chips of that number on ebay.
Lake Ontario United - Lake Ontario's Largest Fishing Community
Mar 8, 2024 · Lake Ontario United - Lake Ontario's Largest Fishing Community - Trout, Salmon, Bass, Walleye, Perch, Pike & Muskie
C-Map Cartidges - Open Lake Discussion - Lake Ontario United
Jun 9, 2024 · Actually, after a prolonged search on the internet, I found C-Map's own compatibility site. These old cartridges are designated CF-85 by C-Map. Now i just have to find someone who is willing to part with one for Western Lake Ontario.
Recommendations on printed map of the lake - Lake Ontario United
Jul 17, 2024 · Any recommendations of a map that can be purchased that shows depth/structure/markers etc (good detail) that would be good for planning a fishing trip in the Oswego area. I would like a map that I can order (to mark up) . Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
whats the best map chip for Lake Ontario??
Jan 24, 2009 · I don't think that you get near the bottom detail in the fishing chip for most inland lakes(FLX and others) that you get in the Platinum lake maps( at least that what tech support said) BUT if you go with the Platinum lake maps and you want bottom contours for the western part of Lake O. and the eastern basin you need two different maps!
water temp satellite map - Open Lake Discussion - Lake Ontario …
May 7, 2021 · Don’t believe the surface temp map with grade lines if there is any cloud cover. That map is from perceived infrared heat signature from satellites. Any clouds will skew those readings and can send you on a wild goose chase. The map that is colored works off buoy data and is more accurate.
Lake Ontario depth chart/topographic map
Jul 8, 2012 · Lake Ontario depth chart/topographic map Recent Topics. Ice-Out Fishing. Speedy Started 49 minutes ago.
Boat Launches Map - Open Lake Discussion - Lake Ontario United
Mar 9, 2021 · Has anyone recently compiled a map with available public boat launches for the south shore of Lake Ontario? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile