Front Page - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Wildlife Management Areas (WMA’s) are parcels of land, designated by the Minister under the Wildlife Act, that have been set aside to protect critical wildlife habitat and enhance trapping and hunting opportunities.
About the MWF - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Established in 1944, and with nearly 15,000 members in 100 affiliate clubs throughout Manitoba the MWF is the provinces oldest and largest conservation organization representing the interests of Manitoba’s hunters, anglers, trappers and sport shooters.
Hunter Ed - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
[email protected] (204) 633-5967 / (877) 633-4868 4-999 King Edward Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1
Contact Us - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
For general inquiries, please contact the Manitoba Wildlife Federation office. Email: [email protected] Phone: (204) 633-5967 / Toll-free (877) 633-4868 Address: 4-999 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1
Regulations - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Basic fish and wildlife regulations for Manitoba can be found in the Hunting, Angling and Trapping guides. Regulation changes occur every year, so it is important that you read and understand the information provided in the guides.
Manitoba Wildlife Federation – 2024 Year in Review
The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) represents all of these and more. We stand as advocates for wildlife that cannot speak for themselves and for the people who cherish this lifestyle—individuals who embrace the responsibility of protecting the …
Protect Manitoba's Crown Lands Now! - Manitoba Wildlife …
Jan 7, 2025 · Manitoba’s Crown Lands have always been a shared resource, supporting our province’s rich traditions of hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation. Today, this open access is under threat unlike any other time in recent history.
Public Lands, Resources are Owned by All Manitobans - Manitoba …
Why are federally funded environmental activists leading an initiative that could directly impact thousands of Manitoba residents, and large areas of Manitoba Crown lands and natural resources?
HE Online - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
This online Hunter Education Course is approved in Manitoba. By successfully completing this online course and passing your online Certification Exam, you will be issued a Manitoba Hunter Education Certificate.
Get Involved - Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Volunteers are needed to help fund-raise and help on specific provincial projects or functions, and in communities across Manitoba on various conservation projects. To find out more contact the MWF office at 204.633.5967 or email: [email protected] .