Mikkelsen Lab
Feb 3, 2025 · We are a multidisciplinary research group studying spin dynamics and photonics at the nanoscale using ultrafast spectroscopy. Our research spans the areas of spintronics, quantum information science, nanophotonics, plasmonics, and quantum optics.
Resources | Mikkelsen Lab
The Mikkelsen Lab primarily conducts its research using the equipment and resources of the Citigroup Biomedical Imaging Center (CBIC). We currently utilize the GE 3T human scanner at CBIC for our research.
Research | Mikkelsen Lab
In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a powerful radiological technique that can noninvasively detect and quantify chemical concentrations in living tissue. The Mikkelsen Lab works to further the utility of MRS for modern biomedical science and the benefit of human health.
Group Members - Mikkelsen Lab
Maiken H. Mikkelsen. Associate Professor, Depts. of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Physics. Ph.D. Physics, UC Santa Barbara 2513 FCIEMAS. 919-681-9505. [email protected]. NSF CAREER Award ONR Young Investigator Award. AFOSR Young Investigator Award ... Mikkelsen Lab. Contact Us » ...
Mikkelsen Lab | Weill Cornell Medicine
The Mikkelsen Lab develops and applies state-of-the-art magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for the noninvasive detection and quantification of chemicals in the living human brain. MRS is a radiological technique related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Publications - Mikkelsen Lab
(31) Nanophotonic Engineering: A New Paradigm for Spectrally Sensitive Thermal Photodetectors. J. W. Stewart, N. C. Wilson & M. H. Mikkelsen† ACS Photonics, 8, 1, 71-84 (2021), DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01068. (8) Large-Area Metasurface Perfect Absorbers from Visible to Near Infrared.
Optimization of multi-metabolite spectral editing | Mikkelsen Lab
Edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy can measure low-concentration chemicals in the human brain noninvasively, usually one chemical at a time. In this project, new technologies and software will be developed to measure multiple low-concentration chemicals simultaneously in …
Maiken H. Mikkelsen - Google Scholar
Tian Ming Massachusetts Institute of Technology Verified email at mit.edu. Claire Deeb Senior R&D scientist, team leader @ Sensia Solutions Verified email at sensia-solutions.com. ... J Berezovsky, MH Mikkelsen, NG Stoltz, LA Coldren, DD …
About Us | Mikkelsen Lab
We are an in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) research lab developing and applying novel MRS methods to neuropsychiatric and neurological pathologies.
Team sheds light on cells' career path - MIT News
Jul 1, 2007 · "Looking at a cell through a microscope often cannot tell you what kind of cell it is, or more importantly, what it has the potential to become," said first author Tarjei Mikkelsen, a …