Thymus Gland: Functions, Health Problems, and More - WebMD
Nov 14, 2024 · Find out what you need to know about your thymus gland and its function. Learn the signs of a problem and how to protect this gland.
Signs and Symptoms of Thymus Cancers | Thymus Gland Cancer
Many of the signs and symptoms that can be caused by thymus tumors are more likely to be caused by something else. Still, if you have any of these problems, it’s important to see a doctor so the cause can be found and treated, if needed.
Thymic Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - MedicineNet
May 17, 2023 · Thymic hyperplasia refers to the enlargement or overgrowth of the thymus gland—a part of the immune system located in the chest between the lungs and behind the breastbone. It is a noncancerous condition characterized by an increase in the number and size of the cells in the thymus.
Thymus: The Function of the Gland & Why it is Important - Cleveland Clinic
Your thymus is a small gland in the lymphatic system that makes and trains special white blood cells called T-cells. The T-cells help your immune system fight disease and infection. Your thymus gland produces most of your T-cells before birth.
Signs and Symptoms of Thymus Disorders - EG Healthcare
May 25, 2023 · These conditions can cause swelling (inflammation) or changes in the size or shape of your thymus gland: A birth defect in which the thymus is either absent or severely underdeveloped. Infants born with DiGeorge syndrome are more susceptible to illness because of their severe immunodeficiency.
Thymus Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments - Healthline
Apr 23, 2018 · There are two main kinds of thymus cancer — thymoma and thymic carcinoma — and both are rare. Cancer occurs when cancer cells form on the outside surface of the thymus. Thymic carcinoma is more...
Thymoma (Thymic Carcinoma): Symptoms, Causes & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
Thymomas and thymic carcinomas are rare cancers that form on a gland called your thymus. Usually, they don’t cause symptoms at first. When symptoms are present, they may include chest pressure or pain. Treatments range from surgery to clinical trials. What …
Signs and Symptoms of an Overactive Thymus Gland - Healthfully
May 11, 2010 · One symptom of an overactive thymus gland is shortness of breath. This can result in coughing, wheezing and difficulty in breathing, especially after running or other physical activity. Shortness of breath can also indicate a respiratory or heart condition so check with your doctor about these symptoms.
Tests for Thymus Cancer | Diagnosing Thymus Cancer
Thymomas are often suspected if you have signs and symptoms linked with myasthenia gravis, hypogammaglobulinemia, or pure red cell aplasia. (See Signs and Symptoms of Thymus Cancers for more on these conditions.) Imaging tests use x-rays, magnetic fields, or radioactive substances to create pictures of the inside of your body.
Diseases of the Thymus Gland | Mayo Clinic Connect
Feb 21, 2018 · Thymoma, thymic cancer and myasthenia gravis are all diseases that affect the thymus gland. In this short video, Dr. Stephen Cassivi, a Thoracic Surgeon at Mayo Clinic Rochester, talks about the role of the thymus gland and the various disease as well as the treatment options which may or may not include surgical intervention. Helpful Links:
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