Logistics forecasting and estimates in the brigade combat team
Nov 17, 2016 · The planning factor for UBLs is three basic loads for a brigade-sized element: one with the unit with the weapon system (company level), one at the combat trains command post with the FSC...
unit’s assault or containerized kitch-en is located in relation to the for-ward line of troops. Planners should add 40 to 70 minutes to the actual travel time to account for the loading and...
Section II: Soldier, Combat, and Unit Basic Loads
Leaders should use available information to determine a Soldier's load for optimal combat effectiveness.
Basic Load Computation - tpub.com
The Basic Load Requirements sheet (Figure 6) gives ammunition requirements that depend on vehicles that have the weapon. Two examples are given here for computing basic load.
FM 4-30.13 Appendix A Ammunition Basic Load - GlobalSecurity.org
Apr 30, 2013 · Basic loads are combat-deployable using organic transportation in a single lift. This appendix provides a list of references and general guidelines relevant to all Army units for determining...
Unit Basic Loads - tpub.com
Unit Basic Loads UBLs are the quantity of ammunition the major Army command (MACOM) authorizes for wartime purposes and are required to be designated for and carried into combat by a unit.
Unit Level Ammo (Basic Load) ULLS-A(E)/UAS-I CONVERGENCE TO ALE-P, THEN INTERFACES WITH ALE-P: Aviation Logistics Enterprise Platform ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning FCM: Funds Control Module PBUSE: Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced SAMS-IE: Standard Army Maintenance System Installation Enhanced ...
All units, down to the company level, are required to identify all Hazardous Material (HM) necessary to meet daily mission requirements through their AUL in accordance with Policy Memorandum...
FM 3-01.85 Chapter 6 - GlobalSecurity.org
A unit's basic load is designed to meet its anticipated initial combat needs and is influenced by the following factors: Mission. Types and numbers of weapon systems.
Figure 7. A Unit Basic Load Inspection Report.
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