Vedic square - Wikipedia
In Indian mathematics, a Vedic square is a variation on a typical 9 × 9 multiplication table where the entry in each cell is the digital root of the product of the column and row headings i.e. the remainder when the product of the row and column
VedicMaths.Org - 7 - The Vedic Square.
The Vedic Square is a nine by nine square array of numbers formed by taking a multiplication table (up to nine times nine) and replacing each number by its digit sum. The digit sum is found by adding the digits in a number and adding again if necessary:
VedicMaths.Org - 18 - Luigi Di Martino article on the Vedic Square …
The Vedic Matrix/Square is a nine by nine square array of numbers formed by taking a multiplication table (up to nine times nine) and replacing each number by its digit sum. The digit sum is found by adding the digits in a number and adding again if necessary: 42 becomes 6 and 56 becomes 11 which becomes 2.
Vedic Squares & Vedic Worms, Spirolaterals - Math Fan
Mar 29, 2020 · Although the spirolaterals can be created with any number sequence, we will use the Vedic Squares we have created at Part I. That’s why they are also called “VEDIC WORMS”.
Calculate Your Vedic Astrology Chart
This chart calculator uses Lahiri Ayanamsa. Please Enter Your Date, Time and Place of Birth. Note: if the place you were born is too small for our atlas, you may need to go back and re …
VedicTime: Jyotish, Ayurveda
Here at VedicTime You can find lots of Jyotish principle descriptions in our extensive library, create an on-line horoscope free of charge, calculate partner compatibility and many more. No any additional software needed, all functionality is available from any device connected to Internet. Lunar Eclipse (an essay of 4 articles).
Digital Root: Vedic Square - Revoledu
Many 2 dimensional patterns can be generated using Vedic square, including many Islamic Arts (Jones, 1998). By putting some color to the numbers, we can make many patterns. Below is some example of a few patterns.
About the Vedic Square - Hans Konstapel Blogs
Dec 19, 2011 · The Vedic Square is a Symmetrical Structure because AxB=BxA. This is called the Associative Property of Multiplication. The Square is a combination of Two Triangels and contains 45 distinctive numbers. The Vedic Square repeats itself until infinity when you extend the Square to a NxN Square.
The Structure and Significance of the Vedic Square - Tutorial
The Vedic Square, also known as the Bhava Chakra or Birth Chart, is a fundamental tool used in Vedic astrology. It is a circular diagram divided into nine equal segments, each representing a specific area of life.
On the Vedic Square & the Sacred Number 9 - maison medium
Jan 7, 2024 · A visual guide to the vedic square and the vedic cube to show the harmonious relationship created by the number 9…